Dr. D. S. Piper’s Biographical Sketch
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Dwayne S. Piper was born in Denver, Colorado in 1975. Approximately six months after his birth, his family relocated to Houston, Texas, where both of his parents got
saved in a little Baptist church. About two years later, the Piper family relocated to Oregon, where they would reside for more than twenty-three years. For approximately the first eight
years, the family abode in Damascus, Oregon, where Dwayne himself, when five years old, trusted Christ as his personal Savior! What sweet circumstances lined the way to the author’s
salvation: God worked so that the author’s mother was the final instrument in leading him to Christ’s arms!
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Until third grade, Dwayne attended Christian school. However, in third grade he embarked upon a new course: his parents felt led of God to begin home schooling their
son. Thus, Dwayne was enabled of God to enjoy the exceptional benefits—academically, morally, and spiritually—of a custom home education all the way through twelfth grade. Always, his
dear parents tenderly sought to point their son’s thoughts and energies toward his Redeemer’s honor and glory.
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Therefore, at twelve years old, Dwayne felt God’s intangible but unquestionable call to full-time ministry. At fifteen years old, he perceived God’s narrowing that
calling into evangelism. Ever since then, he has felt God’s grace leading him to preach revival. Thus, for years, he has sought genuine personal revival by asking for the Bible’s “old
paths,” so that one day he might be mercifully graced to be a clear channel through which God may bring revival to others’ hearts. Additionally, for the past several years, Dwayne has also been
increasingly praying about simultaneously serving as a church planter while conducting evangelistic work, if God will continue to so guide throughout upcoming years.
Above all, Dwayne has been earnestly entreating heaven’s mercy seat for divine grace and power for the approaching ministry—grace and power to effectively preach revival by faithfully advocating the Bible’s “old paths”!
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In 1993, Dwayne received his diploma from New Covenant Christian School in Oregon City, Oregon (a satellite program for homeschool students). In 1994, Dwayne enrolled as an evangelism major in Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida. Though God abundantly blessed Dwayne’s academics and general experience there, God nonetheless led him away after the first semester and eventually led him to enroll in Gulf Coast Bible Institute (GCBI), a ministry of Gulf Coast Baptist Church in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
Deeply grateful to God for that institute, Brother Piper thereby continued eagerly preparing for the ministry. Through the years spent in GCBI’s Bible-honoring studies, his reverence for God’s
Word was firmly reinforced and indescribably deepened; for he was taught to be always “holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to
convince the gainsayers.”(Titus 1:9) Thus, may he obtain mercy to be found faithful!
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In the spring of 2000, he received his Bachelor of Biblical Studies from GCBI; in January 2002, he received his Master of Biblical Studies from the same
Both his master’s thesis and his recent doctor’s thesis have been the fruit of more than two preceding years of earnest prayer! Indeed, he did not undertake writing either thesis because he enrolled for its related degree: rather, he enrolled for both degrees so that he might write both theses. Why has he placed such prayerful and studious emphasis upon these works? His reason is quite simple but extremely vital: he firmly believes that, if God’s hand will but enable him to pen a thesis wherein “…the word of the Lord may have free course,
and be glorified…” (II Thes.3:1), the entire course of this ministry will be thereby significantly defined and concreted. After all, the course he now charts shall determine the steps he must
later take. Therefore, may his course be set and maintained as Biblically as possible, through God’s abundantly merciful and ever gracious leading!
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In June 2003, Brother Piper received his Doctorate (Doctor of Biblical Studies) from GCBI. Recently, his interests were divided into studiously continuing to
prepare for the upcoming ministry; into writing articles, tracts, and books for God’s glory and the kingdom of heaven’s furtherance; into praying about God’s general and specific will for his life,
and into being a faithful laborer in his earthly father’s “vineyard” (Matthew 21:28-31) so that one day soon Dwayne may obtain grace to be faithful in his Heavenly Father’s harvest fields
(John 4:35).
Currently, Dwayne is still writing for the ministry, but he is also prayerfully taking the first steps toward full-time ministry. At least up until now, it might be accounted that Dwayne has been just a little like John the Baptist, who “was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.” (Luke 1:80)
On September 20, 2003, God miraculously opened the doors for Dwayne to become engaged to the fairest and most “virtuous” young lady alive today, Kristen Hoover.
They eagerly set their anticipated marriage date for April 3, 2004. Theirs is a courtship (betrothal) that, in every respect, is unbelievably brilliant with God’s
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On April 3, 2004, Dwayne & Kristen held hands for the very first time as they uttered their wedding vows to each other from hearts brimming over with heaven-sent love!
Immediately following, they were blessed to be able to enjoy a one-month honeymoon traveling across the United States together and alone--for the first time ever! Now, they have been married for over one year; and they only ever happier from the passing of that time! They are, in fact, still on their honeymoon, they tell everyone!
Currently, Dwayne and his lovely wife are starting their own new church, Revival Baptist Church! Once again,
God’s blessings are proving full and sweet!